Whether you are looking for the perfect job or the perfect employee, we have an answer for you. Create a FREE account and discover how PYNOT can help you find the perfect hire.
Recruiting is tough and expensive. Tired of figuring out which candidate is real from that big job board? Not sure your employee's friend is the best option for the job? PYNOT filters all your applicant traffic and present candidates with a short video, and up to 3 job-related written questions, plus a resume.
It takes under 5-minutes to sign up, post a job, and share the job opening with your recruiting network plus other job boards.
Benefits for Business:
60-second video
Ask a work-related question in order to get quality video responses back from job seekers.
Some examples of video questions could be....
Looking for a new bartender? Ask a candidate to introduce themselves and make a simple drink. Instantly a hiring manger will see their skill. Pouring a proper drink with garnish while speaking about the cocktail's ingredients.
Need a sales rep? Ask a candidate to sell your product in 60-seconds or less. Right away a talent recruiter can feel the job seeker's passion and personality.
How about a hotel concierge? Have the applicant explain the best place for a family of 4 to eat in their 60-second video. Just like that, a Guest Service Manager knows, their potential new hire has the knowledge required to perform the job right on day 1.
Learn more about your applicant in a 60-second video clip than a resume could ever tell you about someone. Sometimes a specific passion, personality, or basic skill for your job opening is the key to success. PYNOT's process will generate positive interviews, which means scheduling fewer of them, and reducing hours spent recruiting.
Candidate Database
Easy organization of accepted and rejected applications. PYNOT will store all accepted and rejected applicants. A hiring manager will be able to review previous applications at will. In addition, export out applicant contact information with the touch of a button. Both our iOS app and website make this very easy to do. Send information to spreadsheets, blank documents, notes, or anywhere else you may keep your application records.
Share Job Posts, Build Your Network
After creating a job post, share it anywhere your device (computer, tablet, or phone) connects to. Text messages, email contacts, social media, other job boards, and anywhere else you can copy and paste your job post link. Build an in-house recruiting network with minimal effort.
This is the most important part of a hiring manager or recruiter's roll when using PYNOT. In order to gain the maximum exposure, you will have to share the job post. Sharing job posts is easy to do both on the website and app. After creating a job post, simply click it when using the app and you will notice a share button on the bottom of the next screen. This screen will allow you to do other things with your new job post, but “share” is the most important feature. Website job posts can be shared using quick link icons on the bottom of your job listing.
Share unique job post links anywhere your phone can connect to. Social media, phone contacts, texts. email, and even to other job boards are some ideas to start. Build a recruiting network using your resources and connections first. Sharing is easy to do and can build a network of people who are friends, family, owners, managers, current employees, fans, vendors/partners, and anyone else who is already connected to your business.
Preview Candidates Before the Interview with 60-Second Video + Up to 3 Written Questions
Schedule high-quality interviews only. In addition to the video, a hiring manager can also ask up to 3 written questions. Using the bartender example from earlier a few examples could be,
"Can you lift 40-lbs?”
"Are you available weekends and holidays?”
"List your previous bartending experience”
These are some easy examples, but ask quality questions that apply to your job opening. Instantly, you have a short digital resume for each candidate that consists of 1, 60-second video, and 3 written questions/statements.
Job Seekers Have the Option to Upload a Resume and Video
Please respect job seekers who do not wish to be on video. Not everyone is comfortable on camera. PYNOT wants to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity to present themselves. A resume may not be applicable to some jobs, but it shows a candidate is going the extra mile to get an interview.
Free to Use. Keep Your Job Post Live. Build a Team 24/7
If your business depends on employees to drive revenue and sales then you need to recruit constantly. Hospitality, sales, customer service, food and beverage, fitness, and other industries that rely on quality staff should never let their guard down. Managers know, when you think you are fully staffed or have a great team, it can flip the other way fast.
Recruit 24/7. Our website can be used on any device that connects to the internet and our app turns your iPhone into a valuable recruiting tool. No more excuses for not having a job post up. Free and simple to use!
Business Profile Video
Hiring managers should make a video too. This is a great opportunity for a business to introduce and even show off hiring managers, colleagues, or a potential work-space. PYNOT wants transparency between businesses and job seekers. Some jobs are just not the right fit for candidates and we at PYNOT know that first hand.
“ I can’t tell you how many interviews I have been on where I would have never walked in had I seen the workplace.”
Bad interviews can be just as wasteful for a job seeker as they can be for a business or hiring manager. Make a video and respect a job seekers time.
Green, Yellow, and Red…
As applications come in, you will view them as a short digital resume. First, read their responses to the 3 written questions and then view their 60-second video. This creates a short digital resume. Like what you see? Press the Green button. Not sure about this application? That’s ok, hit the Yellow button to put it back in the pile, and if you do not like the application hit the Red button and get rid of it.
Even if you mess up and hit the wrong button that is ok! The applications are sorted into two categories. Accepted and Rejected. All accepted applications show you how to contact the prospective candidate and schedule an interview. PYNOT aims to please, and we want to help keep this organized, comfortable (for all parties), and efficient.
PYNOT helps a job seeker stand out from the crowd. A business will review your short digital resume consistent of up to 3 very short written statements or questions, an optional 60-second video, and optional resume if choose to upload one to your profile. It is up to you, the job seeker, to make videos and application full of passion, personality, and job-related skill when applicable. Do multiple takes of your video and even edit them. PYNOT’s website can upload video from any device that connects to the internet and our iOS app allows you to pick any video from your phone’s library.
Benefits for Job Seekers:
Video is Optional, But Encouraged.
We get it, not everyone is comfortable submitting a video. If you choose not to do a video, uploading a resume is strongly encouraged.
Optional Resume Upload
Some jobs do not require a resume, but it is always a good idea to paint the best picture of yourself possible. PYNOT wants to make sure, if you are thirsty for an opportunity, you get the chance for an interview you deserve. Write great responses to the 3 questions, nail the 60-second video, and upload a fantastic resume that shows you have the experience required. Resumes are only viewed by jobs you apply to.
See a Preview. Watch a Business Profile Video
Job seekers generally start off the day of an interview a nervous wreck. Making sure they have on their best outfit that matches with the prospective company's culture, eating the right breakfast, getting there on time, and saying just the right thing. Then BOOM you walk through the door and it is not what you expect. A half day of your time or more is wasted.
PYNOT wants this to stop happening. A profile video is a start, we promise to do more for the job seeker. Please send us any suggestions to improve this part of our business!
Applications are Stored and Organized in your Profile + Notifications
A jobseeker profile will store applications. You will be notified when an application has been submitted and when it has been “accepted”. All other applications will be marked “pending.” When an application is “pending” it could mean it is waiting to be reviewed or it was not accepted. No matter the result of your application, you will be organized. A job seeker also has the ability to share their short digital application, show off how you got the job on social media or text. This could be a useful tool for your new hiring manager and they can share it with your permission, so future applicants know what it takes to get the job.
Videos are Easy to Upload
Any video under 1 minute from your iPhone’s library can be uploaded to our iOS app. The website can upload mp4 .mov .qt from any device that connects to the internet.
Stand Out from the Crowd!
Make your PYNOT profile skillful, unique, and creative. Opportunity will come if you show a job related passion, personality, or skill.
PYNOT is FREE for Job Seekers and Simple to Use.
Free to use for both a business and job seeker. PYNOT wants to help businesses build better teams.
For any further information please contact sales@pynot.net
For technical support please contact help@pynot.net
334 East Bay Street, Suite #221, Charleston, SC 29401